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How to earn money from Google Task Mate App

How to earn money online using Google Task Mate App

Before a few years, Google launched the Task Mate Application which was released as beta version. The full version of Google Task Mate App will be launched very soon. At present this is available for only limited counties. To use Task Mate, you must have an Android phone, as well as a Play Store account registered in one of these countries: Kenya, India or Mexico. Users can easily earn money online by using this application by just performing some simple tasks on their smart phones.

How to download Task Mate App from Google ?

You can download Google Task Mate app from Google Play store. However the app is still in early access. The link to download Task Mate app is provided here.

How to earn money online using Task Mate App by Google ?

First of all, you have to Download Task Mate from Google Play Store and then sign up. The application is categorized into two pars Field Task and Sitting Task. You have to perform task as per instruction given.

  • Field Task: This includes taking photograph of nearby restaurants, office, and various other land marks.
  • Sitting Task: This includes such task record of spoken sentence, transcription of sentences and other works which can be performed by sitting in one place.

After performing the task, it will go for review and after that amount will be transferred into your account. Users can check their amount on Dashboard of Google Task Mate App.

How to Install | Signup | Register | Activate Google Task Mate app ?

You can follow below given steps to install, signup and activate to start Google Task Mate App:

  • First of all go to Google Play Store and Search Task Mate or Click Here to Download this application.

  • Install the Task Mate App, select your google account and click on Get Started button.

  • Choose the Preferred Language for This Application and later on choose language to preform task.

  • If you have a Working Referral Code then you can get it from below Invite/referral code list and enter it.

  • Next Step is proceed further by click on Accept Agreement.

  • Now you are at Dashboard of Google Task Mate Application.
  • At this stage, you will have an option to Join waitlist. So click on that button to continue.
  • After joining waitlist, you will be able to try some sample tasks before your account is activated and real tasks become available. So click on Try Sample Tasks button to try out the example tasks.
  • After a few days, you will get an email from google about your invite to task mate like below one.

Google Task Mate Invite

  • After you get above invite email, you can see Field Tasks and Sitting Tasks will be available in the app. So you can perform those tasks then it will go for review process. After successfully submission, candidate will get the amount in their account directly.
  • For getting task mate earning into your bank account in India, you will need to link your UPI account with task mate app. You can do it by clicking Link UPI account button.
  • After your approved earning reaches the cash out threshold, you can withdraw your earning by clicking the cash out button.

How to earn money through task mate by google

Google Task Mate App Working Referral Code 2022

Referral Code 1 RMBIHW Working
Referral Code 2 JEGMSH Working
